

作者:高秋福,何北劍,姚振憲     整理日期:2022-01-13 06:34:54

  高秋福、何北劍、姚振憲編著的《我們和你們(中國(guó)和以色列友好故事集)(英文版)》講述了:The Chinese nation and Jewish nation represent twomajor ancient civilizations in the world and their contactswere started when the ancient Jews fled to China. Fromthen on China was a country where the Jews having losttheir motherland for a time could live and work in peaceand contentment. During the massacre by Nazi Shanghaiwas the only big city in the world accepting Jew refugees.In China the Chinese people and the Jews treated eachother friendly for about 1000 years and in the war againstthe fascists they supported each other leaving a historicalchapter in the Chinese-Jews friendship. On Jan. 24 1992China and Israel established diplomatic relations startinga new page in the relations of the two countries and twopeoples. Over 22 years since establishing diplomaticrelations abundant results have been achieved in theeconomic and scientific and technological cooperationbetween China and Israel and humanistic and cultureexchanges have also been flourishing in rapid development.We organized these 12 stories and they exhibited vividlyto the readers the profound friendship between our twocountries and two peoples.

上一本:夏丏尊年譜 下一本:江西會(huì)元解元名錄


