RomanticismreferstotheprofoundshiftinWesternattitudestoartandhumancreativitythatdominatedmuchofEuropeancultureinthefirsthalfofthe19thcentury,andthathasshapedmostsubsequentdevelopmentsinliterature-eventhosereactingagainstit,suchastheopinionsofT.S.EliotandT.E.Hulme. Thetaskofprovidingaviabledefinitionfortheculturalandliteraryphenomenoncalled"Romanticism-hasneverbeeneasy,asitis,thevexedquestionofwhat 目錄: Introduction WilliamBlake(1757-1827) SelectedPoemsbyWilliamBlake IntroductiontoSongsofInnocence TheEchoingGreen TheLamb TheLittleBlackBoy TheChimneySweeper HolyThursday IntroductiontoSongsofExperience EarthsAnswer TheChimneySweeper HolyThursday TheSickRose AhSunflowerIntroduction William Blake (1757-1827) Selected Poems by William Blake Introduction to Songs of Innocence The Echoing Green The Lamb The Little Black Boy The Chimney Sweeper Holy Thursday Introduction to Songs of Experience Earths Answer The Chimney Sweeper Holy Thursday The Sick Ro s e Ah Sunflower The Garden of Love I Saw a Chapel Auguries of Innocence The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Plate 4) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (Plate 5) Proverbs of Hell Robert Burns (1759-1796) Selected Poems by Robert Burns Holy Willies Prayer To a Mouse on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough November 1785 William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Selected Poems by William Wordsworth Simon Lee the Old Huntsman; with an Incident in Which He Was Concerned Lines Written in Early Spring 1798 Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour July 13 1798 “Strange fits of Passion Have I Known 1799 She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways 1799 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal 1800 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) Selected Poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The Eolian Harp This Lime Tree Bower My Prison 1834 Dejection: An Ode (composed c July 1802) Frost at Midnight 1834 Christabel Biographia Literaria Lord Byron (1788-1824) Selected Poems by Lord Byron Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Canto One Manfred: a Dramatic Poem Don Juan The Vision of Judgement Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) Selected Poems and Prose by Shelley Mutability (A) 1816 Mutability (B) 1821 To Wordsworth 1816 Alastor; or the Spirit of Solitude Hymn to Intellectual Beauty Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni On Life A Defence of Poetry John Keats (1795-1821) Poems and Prose by John Keats Endymion Sleep and Poetry 1816 …… Minor Romantic Writers and Essayists Women Romantic Poets